Metallic gas pipes dating back to 1939 are set to be decommissioned in a Suffolk village, which decision makers say will help keep villagers connected.

Work to install new and more modern pipes is being planned by Cadent Gas in Ufford, near Woodbridge.

The company says the tough new pipes will help future proof the gas network in the village for decades.

While work was due to start on Monday (May 13), the Cadent team made the decision to postpone it until discussions with the community had taken place.

Residents and business owners are invited to attend a public event held by the company to discuss the project and any road closures that may have to take place.

The event is set to be held on Thursday (May 23) at the village's community hall.

Cadent project manager, Aaron Viles, said: “We have a responsibility to make sure every property that uses gas has access to it 24/7, 365 days a year and these essential works will mean that we continue to deliver on that promise.   

“We know it’s far from ideal to have any sort of traffic management in place in what is a busy area, let alone a complete road closure, but we have worked hard with the local authorities to create a plan that keeps traffic flowing and maintains access for local businesses and residents.

“We are very conscious of the disruption roadworks cause and that is why we want to hold this second information event so that people can learn more about the work that we are doing."   

If you would like to attend the event, join members of the Cadent team on May 23 between 4pm and 8pm at Ufford Community Hall at the Ufford Recreation Ground, The Avenue.

If you smell gas, do not assume it is related to planned works. Always ring the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999, day or night.