A large festival for art and music has created a lasting tribute to the community's creativity.

The Woodbridge Festival of Art and Music set up a permanent mural at Elmhurst Park, as part of their 12th Annual Weekend in late August.

The mural was inspired by the 'Choose Love' community art project which started earlier in the year and highlighted creative efforts by residents of all ages and professionals across the nation.

Ben Osborne, festival creative director, said: "We had people of all backgrounds taking part, from school children to care home residents.

Tide mill choose love by David Green Tide mill choose love by David Green (Image: David Green)

“We really wanted to find a way to celebrate these contributions more continuously after the projections on the mill had finished.”

Artist Alice Stallard, who leads festival workshops and art courses, added: “We had such great support in the community, from Suffolk Building Society, Grove Court, the local schools and Mediterranean Shipping Company - without whom we would not have been able to do this project.

"And the artworks made such a beautiful body of work, they were crying-out for a permanent exhibition space."