Nowadays, wherever you go and whoever you’re with, it seems almost automatic for many people to instantly let the world know by taking a selfie.

It’s perhaps even truer in Suffolk and Norfolk, where people quite rightly want to show off being in one of the most beautiful parts of the country.

Yet I cannot bring myself to join the hordes of people cramming themselves into the frame of a mobile phone snap.

Okay, I’m not one for joining in with conventions, even at the best of times.

Yet even though I take a sort of pride in not following the crowd, the selfie craze is actually one (briefly) I’ve tried to get on board with.

I can see what their benefits are, particularly for people in promotional or campaigning roles.

An Instagram account seems essential for Members of Parliament these days, who (without being too cynical) I’m sure find it a useful tool for demonstrating their work.

It’s one thing to say you’ve visited a primary school or toured a factory, but a picture can say it far more powerfully.

But even if you’re not promoting something, many people would ask: why wouldn’t you want to shout about a great place you’ve visited or have spent time with a friend or loved one?

I suppose what has made me reticent in the past is whether people really care where I went on holiday or what I ate for breakfast.

Okay, so maybe that sounds a bit self-pitying – but surely it’s only really my family and friends who really care? And if they want to see it that much, I can share a photo with them privately in a way that to me feels more genuine and personal.

That may provoke howls of outrage from selfie lovers, but I know it’ll get just as many nods of agreement from those sick of seeing their MP eating pizza or a burger.

Admittedly though, even if I wanted to take more selfies I’m not sure I could. Other people’s selfies always look so perfect – mine are wonky and generally look rubbish.

Who knows, maybe my inadequate selfie skills are the real reason why I don’t take them.

Either way, you won’t be seeing where I’ve been or what I’ve eaten – and I guess that’s something we can all rejoice in...