An appeal has been submitted against a Suffolk planning authority’s decision to refuse permission for nearly 40 homes in the county.

Outline proposals to build 38 homes in Needham Market were unanimously rejected by Mid Suffolk district councillors during a meeting last July.

Farmer Peter Haylock made the housing bid for a 3.7 acre (1.5 hectares) area of his land west of Anderson Close on Hill House Lane.

New Hall Properties (Eastern), which is making the appeal on behalf of Mr Haylock, has said in the statement of case that the appellant will “demonstrate that the appeal site broadly complies with development plan policies”.

It also states that the proposal will go towards meeting a requirement for 360 new homes in the town.

The statement also lists the grounds to contest the five reasons the application was refused.

Included in the reasons for refusal were fears of flooding and an impact on protected species.

The Planning Inspectorate has confirmed that the appeal will be dealt with by way of a public inquiry

In the appeal form, New Hall Properties said the need for a public inquiry was because “the issues associated with the proposed development are complex and will need evidence to be given by expert witnesses”.

It added: “We will need to be represented by an advocate because material facts and or matters of expert opinion are in dispute.”

The inquiry is to be held later this year, with statements and interested party comments due by April 22.