THE mysterious large black cat-like creature roaming across north Suffolk has been spotted again.Reports of the panther-like animal being spotted have come from a number of villages and isolated rural areas including Blythburgh and Peasenhall.

THE mysterious large black cat-like creature roaming across north Suffolk has been spotted again.

Reports of the panther-like animal being spotted have come from a number of villages and isolated rural areas including Blythburgh and Peasenhall.

In February this year there were large paw prints left in the snow at a garden in Bedfield near Framlingham, that suggested the animal had been searching for food.

However, Woodbridge couple Jack and Irene Willcocks are convinced the animal they saw while enjoying a weekend drive last Sunday in north Suffolk was a large black cat similar to a panther.

"We often go for drives in north Suffolk as we enjoy the area and on Sunday we visited Halesworth and Framlingham before heading towards Fressingfield.

"It was as we approached some isolated farm buildings that my wife and I saw this creature lope across the road in front of us," said Mr Willcocks.

"My wife saw it first and said 'what on earth is that?' and we both knew that this animal was not a dog as it moved in a completely different way," he said.

Mr and Mrs Willcocks slowed down and saw the animal go into a field of long grass before disappearing from sight.

"It was definitely a large black cat-like animal with a long tail. The animal took no notice of us and did not seem to be in any hurry as it just loped across the road before entering the field," said Mr Willcocks.

The couple got out of their car and went to the farm buildings because they were worried that they may contain livestock.

"Fortunately the buildings were empty but we thought that farmers in the area should know there is a such a creature in the area. I believe these animals can cover considerable distances so those with pets and livestock should be warned," said Mr Willcocks.

It was a similar situation at nearby Bedfield when the large paw prints were spotted in the snow early in February.

Dominique Thomas, who lives in the village, was so concerned about the tracks she contacted local farmers to warn them of the animal's existence.

Mrs Thomas was aware of previous sightings of the cat-like creature in the Bedfield area and was convinced the paw prints were not made by a large dog.

"I do not think there is any doubt about it. These paw prints are not those of a dog. They are also over a metre apart so they must have been made by a large animal," she said.

nHave you seen the beast of north Suffolk? If so then call David Lennard at our Halesworth office on 01986 874593.