LOCAL company Hadleigh Castings Ltd (HCL) was sponsor of the opening night of the new Brett Valley Junior Young Farmers Club (YFC).

Suffolk YFC have recently started two new clubs in the area, Hadleigh YFC for senior,s aged from 16 to 30, which is held at the Lindsey Red Rose on Wednesday evenings, and Brett Valley for the juniors, aged 10 to 16, held fortnightly at Semer Village Hall on Fridays.

Clare Lock, business services director of HCL went along to help run the evening along with Tory Lugsden, the YFC county fieldworker for Suffolk. Both Tory and Clare met each other and their respective husbands through Young Farmers Clubs in Suffolk and were eager to pass on both the social and personal advantages of being a member of such a great organisation.

A total of 16 youngsters turned up on the first night and enjoyed having a go at designing a logo for their club. Clare had purchased some fabric paints and a patchwork banner and everyone had two squares to fill in before they were admired and laced together to form a large banner of their artwork.

The photo shows the finished work at the end of their first night which will now be displayed at the Young Farmers Marquee at the Hadleigh Show on Saturday, May 19 this year.

If you are or know anyone between the ages of 10 and 30 who might be interested in joining either of these clubs, contact Tory in the YFC office on 01473 785547 or via office@suffolkyfc.com . You don’t have to be from a farming family to be a “Young Farmer”.