When will schools be on holiday in Suffolk and Essex during 2021? Here are the details to help families plan for the year ahead.

The general dates for both Suffolk and Essex holidays are listed below, but you will need to check the exact dates with your children's school, as these can vary. This especially applies to academies, foundations and free schools.

Dates for Suffolk and Essex are the same in 2021, except that the summer holiday is due to start one day later in Essex.

Schools also have five non-pupil days for staff training, and the dates for these may vary at different schools.

Of course, there may also be additional changes to school holiday dates due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic.

Christmas holiday: Monday, December 21, 2020 to Friday, January 1, 2021. However, the government has announced there will be a staggered start to term at secondary schools in January, due to the roll-out of more coronavirus testing.

Half term: Monday, February 15 to Friday, February 19.

Easter holiday: Monday, March 29 to Friday, April 9.

Half term: Monday, May 31 to Friday, June 4.

Summer holiday: Suffolk: Wednesday, July 21 to Tuesday, August 31. Essex: Thursday, July 22 to Tuesday, August 31.

Autumn half term: Monday, October 25 to Friday, October 29.

Christmas holiday: Monday, December 20, 2021 to Monday, January 3, 2022