THE Tories yesterday promised to restore the authority and independence of local councils and to end the Government's region agenda.Shadow Minister for the Regions Bernard Jenkin - MP for Essex North - said the proposed regions were “another wasteful, bureaucratic tier of government.

By Graham Dines

THE Tories yesterday promised to restore the authority and independence of local councils and to end the Government's region agenda.

Shadow Minister for the Regions Bernard Jenkin - MP for Essex North - said the proposed regions were “another wasteful, bureaucratic tier of government.”

He added: “They will not add a single, extra teacher, nurse or policemen to our failing public services.

“Do people really want more paid politicians and higher council tax to pay for this fake devolution? Labour promises democracy, but delivers bureaucracy.”

He said the Tory alternative to proposed regional assemblies was real decentralisation - “giving powers back to counties, cities, boroughs and districts, to communities with a real, historic, sense of identity.

“I give you this pledge. Every power that Labour gives to regional assemblies, we will give back to local councils - housing, transport, planning, special development, waste management, culture, fire and rescue.

“We'll end Labour's phoney regional agenda. We'll cut down the regional government offices. Councillors should be free to serve their communities,” said Mr Jenkin.