Broomhill Swimming Pool in Ipswich has been targeted by vandals for the second time this week.

An unsuccessful attempt was made to break into the site yesterday, which resulted in the fence being damaged.

Mark Ling, of the Broomhill Trust, said officers from Ipswich Borough Council worked quickly to repair the fence the same day.

The site, which has been shut for 13 years, was broken into and graffiti sprayed on the walls at the beginning of this week. Staff from KLH Architects, which is overseeing the redesign of the pool, were joined by volunteers from the Broomhill Trust and the Broomhill Library Friends to give the area a fresh lick of paint.

Mr Ling said: “We have worked with Community Payback for the past seven years and managed to keep the building tidy and presentable to deter any anti-social behaviour.

“We went for years without people vandalising the site and sometimes you get these spates of people trying to break-in, oblivious to all the hard work that has been done to restore it.

“It tends to be people in their late teens who do this, and ironically they are the very people who would benefit from the pool if it reopens.”

A public consultation last year revealed 95% of participants wanted to see Broomhill Pool open again.

A Heritage Lottery Fund bid has been submitted, with the result expected to be announced in September.