More events featured in photographs have been remembered by our readers

Re: Flashback picture (October 29)

As a regular EADT reader it was lovely to see my mother and brother appear in the flashback picture. As you look at the picture my mum is third person from left at the back and my brother is standing in front of her. My mum’s name is Beryl McBurney and she was 33 at the time and is now 65. My brother’s name is Alex McBurney and he was seven at the time and is now 39 what a lovely picture.

Stuart McBurney

By email

Re: Magic Memories (Monday, October 14)

The thatchers at Peasenhall in October 1986 are father and son Peter & David Rackham from Westleton.

Peter is now retired and David continues to thatch, the trade has been in the family for 400 years. David is now based at Brampton.

D. Rackham,
