MORE than half the 15 current Member States of the EU will have a referendum on the proposed EU Constitution. Yet Mr Blair will not allow the British people a say.

MORE than half the 15 current Member States of the EU will have a referendum on the proposed EU Constitution. Yet Mr Blair will not allow the British people a say.

The Constitution involves a massive shift of power and influence from Westminster to Brussels. It will give firm legal basis to EU intrusion into every detail of our lives. This includes not just the major policy areas of trade, internal market, customs, agriculture and fisheries, energy, environment, public health and social policy but wider competence in the areas of foreign policy and defence, justice and immigration.

And there is hardly an aspect of life that would not be touched by the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which Mr Blair insisted would have no legal status three years ago but which is now scheduled for incorporation in the Constitution.

More and more decisions would be taken by officials and politicians in Brussels rather than by a British Government accountable to the British people. This is one of our continuing difficulties with the direction of the EU Project. It is driven by a small, self appointed elite and ignores the real needs and sentiments of the people.

So much that is done is unnecessary and the Constitution will entrench this situation forever.

A recent poll conducted across Europe by Eurobarometer - a branch of the European Commission not normally noted for scepticism - reveals little support for the draft Constitution. In fact only 29% of the people across Europe had even heard of it (18% in Britain). Only 10% like it as it is. 56% want to see partial or radical modification. In the UK only 8% support the adoption of the current draft and 35% would reject it outright.

I know that if you torture a statistic for long enough it will tell you anything that you want to hear but this latest poll is hardly a ringing endorsement for a Constitution.

86% of British people want a referendum before any Constitution is agreed. And of course for it to enter into force the Constitution will require the agreement of all 25 current and acceding countries of the EU. The British people are likely to reject it. Perhaps that's why Mr Blair is reluctant to give them this option.

On Saturday November 29 there will be an Action Day in many towns across Essex where Conservatives will give you the opportunity to express your views and demand a referendum on this vital issue.