An artist might usually travel to a beauty spot to paint the perfect landscape - but, restricted by the Covid-19 outbreak, one Woodbridge man depicted a scene rather closer to home.

Mark Beesley’s painting captures exactly what life has been like during the coronavirus lockdown, with a view from the window of his home.

“Normally I paint landscapes, I get out into the countryside but at the moment I can not get out,” said Mr Beesley.

“I can only really paint the view from the house.”

Mr Beesley was surprised by the changes on the road he has lived on for 25 years.

“I was stuck by the way the street looked different in lockdown,” said Mr Beesley.

“There was no traffic, there were all these people jogging and cycling.

“We have this unusually bright sunny weather because there’s no pollution.”

Among the finer details in the image are two small rainbows.

Mr Beesley said the artwork was important to record as a way to remember this period.

“I wanted to record all the things that are particular about this moment in time,” said Mr Beesley.