Proposals have been submitted for an eight-acre former railway site at Westerfield to create a mixed development to bring new homes and businesses.

Cubitt Projects Ltd want to use the Old Station Works for 35 new homes – 12 of which will be affordable properties – along with 1,120 sq m of offices, plus community facilities and public open space.

Suffolk Coastal planning officers are currently assessing the plans, and a decision is expected in the next few weeks.

Consultants Engage Planning Ltd held a public exhibition of the proposals on behalf of the consultants and said the project had the overwhelming support of the public – with 71% in favour.

A spokesman said: “The majority of residents support the redevelopment of this site. However, there are a range of views as to the type of homes needed.

“A number of respondents said they would like to see smaller units aimed at young couples rather than large detached properties, another that she would like to see sheltered accommodation for older people.”

The developers had taken comments on board and created a greater mix of homes, with almost half of the houses being one or two bedroom properties, which also allowed for a slight increase in the number of homes.

The community space at the site in Westerfield Road had also been reduced as villagers did not want a new building that would compete with and threaten the future of the community’s well-used village hall.

Three meetings were also held with the parish council as the project was developed.

Of the affordable homes, five will be one-bed and seven two-bed, while the open market properties will include four-bed homes.

In pre-application discussions, the district council did not favour the inclusion of retail or a village within the scheme, but did favour the inclusion of employment uses and a mix of housing types.