SAVING money and being more conscious of what we eat are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions, but how easy is that to stick to?

When the clock strikes midnight on January 1, we all promise that we will punish ourselves for the gluttony of the past few weeks and embark on a healthy lifestyle.

But how long will this vow really last?

Research shows that 88% of New Year’s Resolutions fail, although we stand a much better chance of succeeding if we set goals to reach along the way.

And if you can make it through January, there is a good chance you will stick with the changes you have made.

Advice from the experts is be specific with your resolution and realistic. Ensure you can measure your progress - by the number of visits you have made to the gym , the amount saved or the hours you have spent volunteering. Writing down your resolutions will also help you stick to them, as will rewarding your progress - if you lose your desired amount of weight, treat yourself to a new top to keep you motivated.

Instead of making a vow to live more healthily, why not think of the wider community?

You could promise to recycle more, not to drop litter or to help in a community garden.

What New Year’s resolutions will you make in 2013? And how long do you think you will be able to stick to it?

Vote in our online poll and share photos of you enjoying your new hobby, helping others or getting fit - send your photos and video to us via