If you remember the story of the "Woolpit Whiff", say the phrase 'sloightly on the huh', and wouldn't dare put the colours yellow and green together, then chances are you are from Suffolk.

Over the Easter weekend we asked readers to tell us they are from Suffolk without actually telling us they are, with many people reminiscing over their favourite Suffolk words and phrases.

Here were some of the most popular responses:

'Sloightly on the huh' (lop-sided)

How yer gittin' on tergither? (Now, how is everyone?)

Sorry I'm on the drag (Apologies for being late)

Aside from the classic Suffolk idioms and spellings of words such as Lowstoff (Lowestoft) and 'gorn dowen the towen' (gone to town), many people reflected back on their childhood days and how they were taught to spell certain words at school.

Many said they learnt to write the word Suffolk by remembering the phrase "Silly uncle Fred fell over Lucy's kitten".

Similarly, many teachers used to remind children of the phrase “I put some water in Charlie’s hat” to spell out the town of Ipswich.

The "Woolpit Whiff" was also mentioned by a couple of readers.

For more than two decades a farmer from Drinkstone, near Bury St Edmunds, was at the centre of the "Woolpit Whiff" controversy following complaints from residents about a smell coming from the animal rendering plant on his farm.

Those living in the area described odours emanating from his farm as “atrocious” and sometimes so bad it made residents “feel sick”.

Like the examples provided by readers below, you might add extra syllables to words if you are from Suffolk. And say your 'i's as 'oi'.

Paul Smart: She’s gorn dowen the towen fora bitta shorpen at the coooo-op.

Val Burden: Ha ya sin the hosses in the field boi?

Maggie Mullender: I’d better be’er gorn

Carol Sycamore: It’s blowing a hooley out there

Gareth J Savage: I'm slightly on the huh and I lived near Redisham beach in the 70s to 90s

Stacy Bird: I carnt reed orr right butt can drive a tractor

Julie Clarke: I driv to lowstoff on toosdey

Sara Norris: Oiv jus bin t horspital

Sam Jones: Cor, at was bootful down fillixstowe yesty

Rob Sadler: Bruum hill clowersd? Oo-wah! Moight hatta goo Sint Matthooze Wensdee noight. Up er Towan!

John Fleet: Heh yer got a loite boy

The Suffolk and Norfolk divide

Above all, one of the most common signs you are from Suffolk is if it angers you when people "accidentally" say you are from Norfolk.

Chaff P Chaff said: "I don't allow green and yellow balloons up on the kids birthdays."

And although you get fed up of the "inbred" jokes about being from Suffolk and apparently having six toes, you are all too happy to have a laugh about our football rivals across the border.

You can join the conversation about the quirky things that let us know you are from Suffolk (without saying you are) on our Facebook page.