One of Charlie Haylock’s key roles as a voice coach on The Dig was to ‘Suffolkate’ the script – turning the actor’s dialogue into phonetic Suffolk-speak.

Charlie explained: “I did not insert phrases like "Sloightly on the huh" as people watching the film from outside East Anglia wouldn't understand nor any other such phrases or sayings. But I did include these phrases because they could be understood due to the context in which they were delivered…”

"Come along t'gether !"" instead of "Come on you lot !"

"Cood Blaast !"

"Cood a hell ! Thas Robert !" instead of "Blimey! That's Robert!"

"You marnt be down there Mrs Pretty !" instead of "You mustn't be down there Mrs Pretty !"

"See these here mounds" instead of "See these mounds"

"Not loike them there Romans !" instead of "Not like the Romans!"

"She say" and "He say" instead of "She said" and "He said