Eat, Pray, Love (Universal, �15.99)

Based on a 2006 best-selling memoir by the American author Elizabeth Gilbert (she travelled the world after a divorce) this film works as a star vehicle for Julia Roberts (remember her?) and as a high gloss travelogue.

Roberts turns on that high wattage smile enough to make you quite like her character though you don’t really know why she is so unhappy with life and her weight problems seems to hinge on her not getting into size zero jeans.

She reminds me of the often glib characters in Sex and the City 2 but at least the scenery on her ‘spiritual journey’ is great as she passes through Italy, Bali and India.

Oh, and in a novel piece of casting Javier Bardem - last seen by many cinema-goers as the eerie assassin in No County For Old Men – plays her love interest.