Two seals made waves in 2022 when they set up home in the forebay of Suffolk's Sizewell B nuclear power station... apparently attracted by the plentiful supply of fish.

And 16 months later, there are still two of the aquatic 'tenants' present, albeit - like tenants of the human kind - they have been through some comings and goings ever since.

A third seal had joined the intrepid duo last year, but one of the trio died two weeks ago and the remaining pair remain content to stay in situ, apparently defying attempts to return them to the sea.

READ MORE: Suffolk: Two seals make themselves at home inside Sizewell B

In December 2022, the EADT reported how the seals had swum through a gateway at the end of an intake tunnel, which brings sea water into the power station. 

On Tuesday, representatives from charity Marine Wildlife Rescue were set to make another attempt to coax the remaining seals back to the sea.

A spokesperson for Sizewell B said: “Three seals have been living in the Sizewell B forebay area for several months.

READ MORE: Sizewell B nuclear plant benefits from £300m investment

"The seals accessed through the intake tunnel which brings seawater into the power station and which ordinarily prevents sea life of this size from entering.

"We’ve been working very closely with Marine and Wildlife Rescue to monitor the seals and to help deliver them safely back to the sea when possible.

“A rescue attempt was planned for week commencing April 8, but had to be rescheduled because of weather conditions.

"Subsequently, we were saddened to discover that one of the seals had died before a further attempt could be made to return them to the sea.

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"We worked with Marine Wildlife Rescue to collect the seal and both remaining seals are healthy.

"Marine Wildlife Rescue are making another attempt to return the seals to the sea today.

“We have investigated the area where the seals were able to access through the intake tunnel and will be able to undertake a more detailed analysis in October when the power station is taken offline for scheduled refuelling and maintenance.”

READ MORE: Suffolk news