Crawford Gillan

Latest articles from Crawford Gillan

On this day in... 1981

A plea to the government by Suffolk County Council over spending on road maintenance was the main news for the EADT on December 17, 1981.

On this day in... 1981

A plea to the government by Suffolk County Council over spending on road maintenance was the main news for the EADT on December 17, 1981.

Should the sight of armed police guarding top tourist spots fill us with reassurance?

With fears being heightened over possible terrorist attacks, should the sight of armed security forces guarding top tourist spots fill us with reassurance? Discuss. I only ask because on a trip to Rome the other week the streets were awash with soldiers clutching powerful machine-guns. Not only soldiers but armed police of every persuasion – I didn't realise Italy had such a full panoply of uniforms for its law enforcers.