Crowds flocked to Framlingham Sports Club on Saturday as the popular Gala Fest made a welcome return to the town.

The event, which made a comeback following two years of cancellations due to Covid, was labelled a festival of colour, music and noise.

%image(14469475, type="article-full", alt="Jasmine, George, Ameli and Callum were part of the crowds that gathered at Framlingham Sports Club")

%image(14469476, type="article-full", alt="This year, the venue was changed from the traditional location of Castle Meadow to Framlingham Sports Club")

"There was a really good crowd throughout the whole day", said Gala Fest chairman, Steve Calver.

"The music and sports activities were great.

"Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves."

%image(14469477, type="article-full", alt="The event was labelled a festival of colour, music and noise")

%image(14469478, type="article-full", alt="The Framlingham Bowman")

The festival normally runs for three days over the Bank Holiday weekend at the end of May, but a clash with the Queen's Platinum Jubilee meant organisers had to postpone and switch to just one day.

The venue was also changed from the traditional location of Castle Meadow.

"We missed a couple of years due to Covid", said Steve.

%image(14469479, type="article-full", alt="Organiser, Steve Calver, said: "The music and sports activities were great"")

%image(14469480, type="article-full", alt="Next year the festival will return to the normal format")

"And then there were some changes that had to be made due to clashes with other events.

"Next year we will return to the normal format.

%image(14469481, type="article-full", alt="Michelle Steward from The Sparkle Bar Ipswich")

%image(14469482, type="article-full", alt="The festival normally runs for three days over the May Bank Holiday weekend, but a clash with the Queen's Jubilee led to changes")

%image(14469483, type="article-full", alt="Ivy, Jimmy and Elliot were part of the crowds that attended")

"But, considering the circumstances, you couldn't fault it.

"It went really well."