An application to create what has been described as Ipswich's answer the "The Cavern Club" has been lodged with borough council.

The aim is to convert the basement underneath what is now the Microshops centre in Carr Street into a drinking and music venue. It would extend over part of two other floors - but the largest area would be the basement.

The opportunity to create a music venue at the site was first mentioned when the plans for the Microshops were first unveiled last year.

The application, from Pegasus Group on behalf of Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd, is for a venue that would be open from 7am to 11pm Sundays to Thursdays and from 7am to 2am on Fridays and Saturdays.

Access to the venue would be from Great Colman Street through what has been a back door to the properties until now - and deliveries to it would use the lay-by that already exists for Eastgate Centre properties.

East Anglian Daily Times: The proposed entrance to the venue would be from Great Colman Street.The proposed entrance to the venue would be from Great Colman Street. (Image: Google)

The application does not mention whether the music would live or recorded - but it would be amplified and could be played to the indoor rooms. There is also provision for an outdoor smoking area on the roof - but the music would not be played there.

The nearest homes to the proposed music bar are on the opposite side of Great Colman Street. The applicants say the building has been assessed as having good sound insulation - and they would accept noise limits if permission is granted.

The application says the location is suitable for such an establishment because it is near the town centre and would be set up in under-used space. It would not lead to the closure of any existing businesses.

They say: "It comprises a suitable location for a drinking establishment which will make an overall positive contribution the vitality and viability to the town centre as well as Ipswich’s evening economy."

The application is expected to be discussed by Ipswich Council's planning and development committee during the spring but does not any structural changes to the building itself.