A charity football match in memory of a Bramford mum who tragically died less than two days after giving birth has helped further an incredible fundraising total.

The match between Foxhall United and The Brickmakers Arms on June 6 raised more than £1,400 for the family of Jessica Walden, who died after giving birth to her second daughter Orla Anne Walden last month.


Organiser Richard Austin thanked fellow organisers and donors, including Morrisons, who donated food for the event.

"I thank each and every one of you, he said. "Then I would like to thank everyone who came and watched today and donated.

"And the best news after talking with Framlingham is this will be an annual match in memory of Jess."

The £1,492.91 raised comes after a Just Giving page set up in her memory gained more than £53,000 in donations.

Other events planned include a charity walk from Ipswich to Bramford on June 21.