Lockdown may be easing but for new parents it is still a time of concern - and restrictions mean they still cannot introduce their newborns to their wider families properly.

East Anglian Daily Times: William Paul Bloomfield born April 17William Paul Bloomfield born April 17 (Image: Samantha Frost)

Here we want to help the mums and dads who welcomed babies in April to show off their new arrivals.

East Anglian Daily Times: Hetty Dianne Reynolds born April 8Hetty Dianne Reynolds born April 8 (Image: Sophie Buckingham)

Each month we give parents the chance to submit their baby photos as we welcome the latest crop of lockdown babies to the world.

East Anglian Daily Times: Ammalia Isla Jordan born April 16Ammalia Isla Jordan born April 16 (Image: Tamisha Jordan)

Giving birth in a pandemic means these new mums will have attended appointments alone, had to deal with early labour without their birthing partner's by their side and been denied the chance to have visitors to the hospital.

East Anglian Daily Times: Theodore Phelps born April 17Theodore Phelps born April 17 (Image: Adele Taber)

Baby groups are just beginning to reopen but many are offering reduced capacity meaning new parents and their tiny tots are missing out on this early socialisation.

East Anglian Daily Times: Emily Rosa born April 23Emily Rosa born April 23 (Image: Mandy Fenton)

But as we head towards May 17 and the next wave of restrictions being lifted, life should start to feel more normal for these new families.

East Anglian Daily Times: Lucy Lois Carine Price born April 16Lucy Lois Carine Price born April 16 (Image: Alex Price)

East Anglian Daily Times: Ella Jade Smith born April 3Ella Jade Smith born April 3 (Image: Daniel Smith)