Campaigners in Ipswich are attempting to set up a community speedwatch campaign in Foxhall Road and Felixstowe Road in a bid to curb accidents in east Ipswich.

East Anglian Daily Times: Felixstowe Road in Ipswich is being considered for a speedwatch campaignFelixstowe Road in Ipswich is being considered for a speedwatch campaign (Image: Archant)

St Helen’s ward Suffolk county councillor Mandy Gaylard and concerned residents around the Rosehill area of Ipswich had been looking to begin a speedwatch campaign on the estate, but the campaign is not applicable for 20mph zones, like those around Rosehill.

Instead, Mrs Gaylard and Suffolk police’s Ipswich east safer neighbourhood team inspector Roger Salmon have been exploring an opportunity to launch the scheme in Felixstowe Road and Foxhall Road, which they hope will not only reduce speeding on those roads but those around the roads connected as well.

“Over the years, and on Bishop’s Hill particularly, residents have complained to me there’s a lot of speeding,” Mrs Gaylard said.

“We are trying to raise interest in a community speedwatch in Felixstowe Road and Foxhall Road with the idea being if you can reduce speeds on the joining areas it will probably bring the speeds down around Rosehill too.”

East Anglian Daily Times: St Helen's county councillor Mandy Gaylard has been spearheading the plansSt Helen's county councillor Mandy Gaylard has been spearheading the plans (Image: Archant)

The scheme features trained volunteers monitoring speeding vehicles and submitting registrations to police. Police may then take action after two warning letters have been sent.

Chief Inspector Jo Garrard, head of community safety for Suffolk Police, said: “We are in need of new volunteers to help target motorists exceeding the 30mph limit, particularly in areas that have been highlighted by residents as of concern.

“The more volunteers there are, the more often road checks can be carried out to keep motorists safe and reduce the number of casualties on our roads.”

Mrs Gaylard said they were still looking at ways to bring down the number of speeders around the Rosehill area, and added that it was a matter of educating people.

East Anglian Daily Times: It is hoped that less speeding in Foxhall Road and Felixstowe Road will also have an impact around the Rosehill estateIt is hoped that less speeding in Foxhall Road and Felixstowe Road will also have an impact around the Rosehill estate

“The key is more education and getting people to realise they are entering a residential, built-up area and they need to cut their speed,” she said.

“Reducing speeds reduces casualties and serious injuries.”

For those who would like to volunteer or find out more, email