A veteran dance duo are hanging up their competing shoes and turning their attention to teaching.

East Anglian Daily Times: The couple at Blackpool Winter Gardens medal competition final in November.The couple at Blackpool Winter Gardens medal competition final in November. (Image: Archant)

Husband and wife team Raju and Lorraine Arulanantham, from Ipswich, have championed Latin dance for more than three decades – and were unbeaten in open contests for 17 years.

“I want to become a teacher, all the experience which we have I can give to the young talent,” said Mr Arulanantham.

“I want to share my talent so they can become good dancers.

“We want to go into schools and make dancing more popular.

“It’s great for exercise and socialising.

“There’s a lot of talent out there but not enough teachers.”

Last month the couple won the bronze medal in the over 50s category of a ballroom competition at Blackpool Winter Gardens.

The couple learnt ballroom just seven months before the contest, which featured experienced dancers from across the UK.

“Even if we came last that was asking for the moon,” Mr Arulanantham said.

“The people dancing with us said they didn’t know how we did it. We worked hard but didn’t expect to be in the finals.”

The pair also made it the semi-final of the Latin section, but left before the final dance-off at the end of the night as they had been competing since the early morning.

Mr Arulanantham, of Norwich Road, said that was probably the couple’s last competition – but he didn’t rule out future appearances on the stage.

He paid special thanks to Ipswich’s Lait Dance Club, based in Clarkson Street, for supporting the couple throughout their career.