Medium Sally Morgan gets why people are sceptical, her gift is as much a mystery to her as it is to others. What she doesn’t get, is why they come to her show.

East Anglian Daily Times: Will she have a message for you?Will she have a message for you? (Image: Archant)

“I get real hardened cynics come, they let you know they’re there by heckling or coming up to you after. I’ve no problem with that, but it’s like ‘what are you getting out of this’. There are people who make their living, you could say, out of being a cynic and really get off on being nasty.”

She welcomes genuine curiosity.

“We need to ask questions about what I do... come up with answers... you can’t just say ‘I’m this and that’s it’,” says Morgan, stressing what she does isn’t a party trick designed to get a laugh.

Surely it’s rewarding when she gets a message for any sceptics in the audience?

“I’m not here to prove anything,” she fires back.

For her, the night is about validation, about someone saying “yes, my mum did say that just before she died” or “I do have that in my sitting room”.

When non-believers meet her afterwards, claiming she’s changed their minds she’s quick to tell them to remain curious.

“I can’t say I’m satisfied because I haven’t set out to do that... I’m still discovering what I do.

“You’ll never make your own mind up by just seeing a medium once and if you think you have then I actually think that’s quite shallow. See a medium more than once, either one-to-one or in a show like mine, to really get a flavour of it because it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.”

The cynic in me thinks that’s a clever marketing ploy, but Morgan doesn’t need help in that department, packing out theatres across the UK.

Most of her audiences are looking for closure of some sort, but there are lighter moments.

“I got a lady’s name the other night and a lady in the audience stood up and said ‘ooh that’s my hairdresser’. I said ‘is she in the spirit world’ and she said ‘no, I had my hair done this afternoon.”

Turns out one of her former customers who used to sit in the same chair before passing on fancied a night out. You can read that whole story on Morgan’s blog.

If you’ve been to one of her previous show’s you know what you’re in for when Psychic Sally On The Road comes to the Ipswich Regent on May 6.

Are you a believer or a cynic? Tweet us your thoughts on mediumship.