St Edmundsbury Cathedral will host a County Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II this weekend.

The service will be held on Saturday, September 17, at 11.30am and will include prayers and music for invited guests and members of the public.

HM Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, Clare, Countess of Euston will lay a wreath of English roses and the service will be led by the Rt Revd Martin Seeley, bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.

He said: "This service of commemoration and thanksgiving is an opportunity to express or grief and sadness, as well as acknowledge with gratitude, her many years of devoted service.

"Representatives from a wide range of organisations from across Suffolk will be present, reflecting the huge impact Her Majesty made on so many aspects of our life."

Members of the public can watch the service online via St Edmundsbury Cathedral's Facebook page.

The Cathedral is open for people to light a candle, write in the book of condolence or sit in quiet reflection and prayer.