An organisation which provides services for the young people of Felixstowe is inviting the public to join in a celebration to mark its 15th anniversary.

The Level Two Youth Project is opening up the doors of its youth hub above Tesco in Hamilton Road for a drop-in afternoon to let young people, parents, and members of the community see its facilities.

The aim of the afternoon, which takes place on Saturday, February 11, from 2pm to 4pm, is also for people to find out more about its work.

Level Two helps more than 660 young people every year, running a wide range of services for those aged 10 to 25, including many with a dysfunctional home life, facing financial hardship, or that have physical disabilities or mental health problems, anger issues, unemployment and caring responsibilities.

Youthworkers are involved in running drop-in sessions, mentoring youngsters, and helping them with a wide range of life skills.