A bar and restaurant operator could take over Ipswich Borough Council’s customer service centre next year, joining The Botanist and Sharman Restaurant Group in The Cornhill area.

The council’s executive will decide next Tuesday whether to follow officers’ recommendations to enter into a 15-year lease for the space in the Town Hall.

The company planning to take over the site has not yet been made public, but the officers’ report states it has more than 40 venues, including some in East Anglia.

The council plans to find another town centre location for face-to-face customer service provision.

The leasing of the customer service centre was part of a set of measures to offset inflation agreed by the council in July.

The council plans to make a financial contribution towards fitting out the site of the new venue but expects business rates of approximately £40,000 a year to be generated.

The area around The Cornhill has become an increasingly attractive location for food, drink and leisure venues. The Botanist recently opened in the old Post Office and Sharman Restaurant Group expects to open a restaurant at the Corn Exchange.

Planning permission has also been given for a wedding venue in the town hall.