A Glemsford-based A&E nurse who lost her baby earlier this year opened a new business named in their memory at the weekend.

Millie Ince-Slater, 25, worked as an A&E nurse throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and is now realising her dream to open up an aesthetic clinic.

The nurse-led facility will opened on Clock House Farm on Sunday, October 16 and will offer injectable treatments, dermal filler, anti-ageing treatments and vitamin B12 injections to clients.

Millie has been an A&E nurse for the last three years, working long hours at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

After she became pregnant the first time, she had to shield at home and her son was born in July 2021.

Millie fell pregnant again in February this year, but sadly suffered a miscarriage in late May.

"After I lost my baby, I decided to use creating my own business as an opportunity to keep my mind off of things," she said.

"We've also commemorated their life within the name of the clinic."

West Suffolk Hospital gave Millie the choice of a burial for her baby and, as part of the ceremony, she was given a plaque with the name of a wildflower.

Millie's plaque reads 'Meadowsweet' which she said struck her as "the perfect name" for her new aesthetic clinic.

The beauty centre will be opening around the time that Millie should have been delivering her baby and she added: "Instead of having a new baby, I'm starting a new business."

Millie said she's "equally as excited as nervous" to launch the clinic and appreciates the flexibility it will offer to her while raising her son.

While she isn't giving up her hospital shifts anytime soon, Millie will be running the centre by herself, working hard to make her dream a reality.

Millie added: "I look forward to treating any potential customers to help them enhance their natural beauty."