A Suffolk schoolboy has been invited onto a construction site after daily after-school visits to watch the project unfold.

11-year-old Henry Stephens was invited onto the site in Needham Market by Anglian Demolition & Asbestos’ Operation Director, Rob Eastaff, along with Simon Tobin of Tobin Plant.

Since the start of the project, Henry would visit the gates of the site after school with his grandad, where Anglian are demolishing a large set of offices.

During the last 10 weeks Henry has taken hundreds of pictures of the site, where his grandma used to work, managing to capture the whole demolition process so far.

After learning about Henry's daily visits Anglian Demolition decided to arrange an opportunity for Henry to get up close to the action.

On Wednesday, October 19, members of staff from Anglian and Simon Tobin met Henry and his mum and grandparents at the site gates.

Simon gave Henry a collectable LuiGong excavator, along with a goody bag full of LuiGong merchandise.

East Anglian Daily Times: 11-year-old Henry was invited into the site in Needham Market, and posed for photo's in the diggers.11-year-old Henry was invited into the site in Needham Market, and posed for photo's in the diggers. (Image: Anglian)

Before entering the site Anglian gifted Henry his very own hard hat and hi-vis to wear, so he felt part of the team.

Henry was then allowed to sit on diggers, pose for pictures and ask questions about the demolition.

The schoolboy was also able to get some more up-close pictures to add to his collection.

Operations Director, Rob Eastaff, said: “It was a fantastic afternoon meeting Henry and his family, seeing the big smile on his face has made our week. Thank you Henry for being so enthusiastic about our work, we hope you enjoy the remaining four weeks of the project.

"A future demolition man in the making.”

Henry's visit follows a similar story - of roadwork "superfan" - 13-year-old Dominic Jones.

He wrote to National Highways, the government agency responsible for major road projects, to tell them about his enthusiasm and received in return an invitation to visit one of its biggest ongoing schemes, the resurfacing work on the A11.