Matt Hancock is headed to the jungle - but what can he expect to experience in his time there?

The West Suffolk MP and former Health Secretary was a surprise extra name added to the list of contenders heading to Australia for the 22nd series of I’m A Celebrity…

Hancock, 44, has insisted “I haven’t lost my marbles” by deciding to join the reality show after his decision led to him being suspended from the parliamentary Conservative Party.

He has said he is entering the jungle to “go to where the people are – not to sit in ivory towers in Westminster”.

Ahead of the first show tonight, here is what might be in store for Hancock during his time in Australia...

Eating Trial

A fan favourite that typically comes around in the first week of the show, the eating trial is notorious for getting its participants to gag, wretch and squeal.

If Hancock is selected for this challenge, he could be tucking into witchetty grubs, fish eyes or worse.

Should he fail, it'll be rice and beans for dinner for him and his campmates.

Buried Alive

Another classic trial that the West Suffolk MP could be subjected to is the 'buried alive' experience.

This involves the unlucky challenger being placed in a box in the ground which slowly begins to fill with creepy crawlies.

Typically, it's snakes or rats that join the celebs, but who knows what could be in store this time round?

Fill Your Face

One of the toughest trials to watch is 'fill your face', where a glass sphere is strapped around the head of the contestants.

There's a small opening at the top of the sphere where a ranger will send a varierty of insects to join the chosen celebrity.

In the past, burrowing cockroaches have been a recurring creature in this task, along with a host of huge spiders.

Underwater trial

Should he be chosen for the underwater trial, Matt Hancock will have to face a variety of aquatic critters to win meals for the camp.

Usually, this trial will involve one or two campmates navigating a submerged obstacle course, avoiding crocodiles, eels and crustaceans as they collect stars.

In the past, Joey Essex, Jimmy Bullard, John Barrowman and Danny Baker have all taken on this challenge, and Matt Hancock could be next.

Celebrity Cyclone

If Hancock makes it to the final four, Celebrity Cyclone will await him and his campmates.

Here, the celebrities fight against wind, water and bouncing balls to cement themselves in their designated positions in what is the last trial before the final.

The former Health Secretary will be dressed up as a superhero for this one, making a change from the typical suit and tie that comes with the job.

Ant and Dec's jokes

East Anglian Daily Times: Ant and DecAnt and Dec (Image: PA)

It should come as no surprise that Matt Hancock will be the butt of many a joke from Ant and Dec this series.

The Geordie duo are known for taking a pop at politicians on the show, producing the catchphrase "good evening, Prime Minister".

Expect more of the same in the coming weeks from the pair.

Camp Chores

We might not get to see too much of this, but it's usually a topic of debate amongst the camp members.

From collecting fire wood to emptying the dunny (toilet), Hancock will have to get down and dirty if he is to survive the jungle.

It's a drastic change from the House of Commons, but viewers will eagerly anticipate watching the West Suffolk MP out of his comfort zone.

East Anglian Daily Times: Matt Hancock will have to get to grips with a new way of life in the jungleMatt Hancock will have to get to grips with a new way of life in the jungle (Image: PA)

The other famous faces taking part in the show are: Boy George, Scarlette Douglas, Chris Moyles, Sue Cleaver, Mike Tindall, Charlene White, Owen Warner, Jill Scott, Babatunde Aleshe and Olivia Attwood.

I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! airs tonight, Sunday, November 6, at 9pm on ITV1.