Well-known Suffolk politicians, directors, business owners and professionals became Suffolk's most wanted for the day to support families in the region.

Their efforts raised £15,000 for Home-Start in Suffolk, through its Jail and Bail initiative to provide further practical help and support for families in the county.East Anglian Daily Times: Jack Abbott, Labour and cooperative parliamentary candidate, takes part in Jail & Bail 2022Jack Abbott, Labour and cooperative parliamentary candidate, takes part in Jail & Bail 2022 (Image: Home-Start in Suffolk)

12 well-known local figures were 'arrested' for a multitude of ridiculous and fictitious crimes.

These included Labour and cooperative parliamentary candidate Jack Abbott, Lisa Perkins from Adastral Park, Paddy & Scotts founder Scott Russell, Cory Brothers managing director Peter Wilson, the director at Cory Brothers James Crosby, professor Gurpreet Jagpal from the University of Suffolk, Becky Ames, a partner at Larking Gowen, Gavin Wood of Beckett Financial Services, Elise Dyball, a partner at Marshall Hatchick LLP, Martin Moore of Beckett Financial Services, Home-Start’s very own Tara Spence, CEO and Alison Grant, family support manager.

East Anglian Daily Times:  Becky Ames, a partner at Larking Gowen, Gavin Wood of Beckett Financial Services take part in Jail & Bail 2022 Becky Ames, a partner at Larking Gowen, Gavin Wood of Beckett Financial Services take part in Jail & Bail 2022 (Image: Home-Start in Suffolk)

'Arrested' individuals were tasked with the challenge of raising their £1,000 bail to secure their release and gain freedom.

Their wrongdoings ranged from crimes against comedy to oversharing their gym activities on social media, ignoring important phone calls and bowling people over with enthusiasm.

The event took place in various locations near the Ipswich Waterfront and the town centre.

Suffolk Police was making the arrests on Friday, November 18.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jail & Bail 2022 judge for the day, Rob ThackerJail & Bail 2022 judge for the day, Rob Thacker (Image: Home-Start in Suffolk)

The individuals were handed over to Home-Start’s chair of the board and judge for the day, Rob Thacker, for sentencing before slinging them in the cells at Old Customs House, Home-Starts makeshift jail.

Ali Watson, the fundraising and marketing manager at Home-Start in Suffolk, said: “It was such a fun day but with a serious fundraising side.

They were all amazing and raised and have raised an incredible £15,000 to date to help support families across our county who are really finding it tough at the moment."

East Anglian Daily Times: professor Gurpreet Jagpal, pro vice-chancellor business and entrepreneurship at the University of Suffolk, takes part in Jail & Bail 2022professor Gurpreet Jagpal, pro vice-chancellor business and entrepreneurship at the University of Suffolk, takes part in Jail & Bail 2022 (Image: Home-Start in Suffolk)

The charity team said they noticed a significant rise in the number so families needing support in the last 12 months.

This year, Home-Start in Suffolk has supported more than 1,500 families through difficult and challenging circumstances.

Jack Abbott, a local Labour MP who took part in the initiative, said: "Home-Start in Suffolk is a real lifeline for so many families in Ipswich and across the county.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jack Abbott, local Labour MP Jack Abbott, local Labour MP (Image: Newsquest)

"I have heard first-hand from families about the difference Home-Start has made to their lives, so it is important we continue to help this wonderful charity, so they can carry on with their crucial work.

"I am delighted to join with friends and raise a small amount of money and awareness for Home-Start."