Road safety campaigners are still waiting to hear whether changes are going to be made following a feasibility study into improvements to a dangerous Suffolk road. 

The study had looked into the possibility of creating a pedestrian crossing in Bredfield Road, Woodbridge, some 50m away from the junction with Woods Lane to make the road safe, following concerns that schoolchildren in particular were at risk from speeding motorists. 

However, a highways expert spoke at a meeting of Melton Parish Council in October and called for a traffic island to be included as part of the crossing to alleviate further concerns about the dangers at the proposed site. 

But both the parish council and campaigners are still waiting to hear back from the county council as to whether the island will be included as part of the plans. 

East Suffolk councillor Rachel Smith-Lyte and county councillor Alexander Nicoll raised £7,611 for the study because of fears a pupil could be involved in a serious accident while walking from home to Farlingaye High School. 

Children have to cross the busy Bredfield Road from their homes in Bury Hill and the new Bloor Homes estate in Lloyd Road to the school in Ransom Road. 

Campaigner Richard Bolt said the county council had not provided any alternative sites for the crossing, but the existing plans could be improved by adding the traffic island to make them safer. 

He said: “The study has identified the fact that there is a problem. They have proposed a solution, but frankly, the solution is not fit for purpose. 

“With a little bit of effort they can improve the proposal significantly just by putting in a refuge in the centre of the road.” 

Speed camera data obtained by the parish council has revealed that 40% of motorists exceeded the 30mph limit in Bredfield Road, with 14% driving faster than 35mph. 

A snapshot on March 10 showed some 52 motorists were clocked doing between 40 and 50mph, 22 cars were recorded doing between 50 and 60mph and one driver was doing between 60 and 70mph. 

A spokesperson for the county council's highways team said: "We are currently awaiting a feasibility report. Once the report has been received, we will contact the parish council and councillors to discuss further."