Suffolk will be getting a new school, dedicated to children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, the Government has announced.

The SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan published on March 2 has confirmed that 33 new special free schools will be built across the country.

One of these schools will be built in Suffolk, with the location to be announced.

The Government has also announced that, as part of the plans, there will be expanded training for staff.

READ MORE: Investigation: The full story behind Suffolk's SEND crisis

READ MORE: Suffolk: County Council provides update on SEND services

Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing, Claire Coutinho said: "Parents know that their children only get one shot at education and this can have an enormous impact on their child’s ability to get on with life.

"Yet for some parents of children with SEND, getting their child that superb education that everyone deserves can feel like a full-time job.

"The Improvement Plan that has been published sets out systemic reforms to standards, teacher training and access to specialists as well as thousands of new places at specialist schools so that every child gets the help they need."

More information on this is to follow.