A west Suffolk care home is set to undergo major changes as part of a new planning application which could create close to 50 new jobs.

The Partnership in Care Ltd (TPIC) has requested permission from West Suffolk Council for the redevelopment and extension of Risby Hall Nursing Home.

The new plans propose to create 31 new bedrooms and additional facilities, with a mixture of new buildings, extensions and conversions, including changes to 18th century building Risby Old Hall.

This would see the introduction of a hairdressers, salon, bar, cafe, convenience store, dining area and gym.

TPIC also proposes the conversion of former farm buildings into six self-contained respire units and the refurbishment of the large grain store to be used as a community hub.

They also suggest the introduction of a separate block which provides specific dementia care for young adults, which is thought to be one of the first facilities of its kind in the country.

The site as a whole currently employs about 130 people and, with each bed space at the site supporting around 1.5 jobs, it is thought that the extension will create close to 50 new jobs.