Community leaders have been left "appalled" at the state of a road after it was recently closed to fix a number of potholes. 

Windmill Hill in Long Melford, which was described as having 40 potholes by local residents, was closed in February while repairs were carried out. 

Sine the roadworks were completed residents have raised their concerns over the state of the road. 

East Anglian Daily Times: Concerns have been raised over Windmill Hill in Long MelfordConcerns have been raised over Windmill Hill in Long Melford (Image: Newsquest)

Now community leaders are calling for Suffolk County Council to do more to fix the recurring issue

District councillor for Long Melford John Nunn said: "I'm appalled that Suffolk County Council has let the road get in such a state. 

"They have been out to repair but the patch up job they have done is well below standard and we expect the council to get onto it, and I think the residents of the area deserve better than what we are getting."

Suffolk county councillor for Long Melford Richard Kemp said the road is earmarked to be totally resurfaced in the next financial year. 

East Anglian Daily Times: Potholes in Windmill Hill in Long MelfordPotholes in Windmill Hill in Long Melford (Image: Newsquest)

But Mr Kemp said he was "dubious" of the plans. 

He added: "I just can't believe the state of the road. 

"The situation is ludicrous."

Suffolk Highways has been approached for a comment.