Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have announced the names of those standing in the local council elections on May 4.

Nick Gowrley, the former leader of Mid Suffolk Council, will also be standing in Claydon in Barham.

In Haughley, Stowupland and Wetherden, two of the three candidates competing for the pair of seats are Green Party councillors, meaning at least one Green will represent the Mid Suffolk ward.

Voting takes place on May 4 across the district - and for the first time people who go to polling stations will have to show photographic identification before being given ballot papers.

Below are the full list of candidates for both Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils.


Assington (1 councillor): Amy Aylett (G), Lee Parker (LD), Richard Sunderland (C).

Brantham (1 councillor): Therese Burns (G), John Hunter (L), Alastair McCraw (I).

Bures St Mary and Nayland (1 councillor): Julian Freeman (L), Patrick McKenna (G), Isabelle Reece (C), Rain Welham-Cobb (LD).

Chadacre (2 councillors): Ralph Carpenter (G), Michael Holt (C), Matthew Marshall (L), Stephen Plumb (no party announced), Polly Rodger-Brown (G), Cheryl Schmidt (LD). 

East Bergholt (1 councillor): Sallie Davies (G), Lauren De Banks (LD), John Hinton (no party announced), Adrian James (L), Stephen Williams (C).

Great Cornard (3 councillors): Marjorie Bark (LD), Peter Beer (C), Emma Bishton (L), Melanie Boyce (G), Kevin Graham (L), Ruth Hendry (G), Heather James (G), Tom Keane (L), Mark Newman (C), Judith Wilson (C).

Hadleigh (2 councillors): Jane Carruthers (G), Alan Ferguson (C), Kathryn Grandon (I), Mark Heath (L), Alex Parvu (G), Duncan John Read (LD).

Long Melford (2 councillors): Melanie Barrett (C), Michael Chapman (G), Michael Fitzmaurice (L), Fae Gilfillan (G), Liz Malvis (no party announced), John Nunn (I), Alan Scott (LD). 

Orwell (1 councillor): Chris Janes (LD), Daniel Potter (G), Keith Wade (L).

Sproughton and Pinewood (2 councillors): Mary Cook (G), Helen Davies (LD), John Lyall (G), Graham Manuel (L), Mary Manuel (L), Brian Riley (C). 

Sudbury North (2 councillors): Nigel Bennett (LD), Jessie Carter (G), Matthew Olyver (L), Tim Regester (G), Adrian Stohr (L), Nicholas Younger (C).

Sudbury North East (1 councillor): Simon Barrett (C), Gareth Evans (LD), Julie Fowles-Smith (G), Jan Osborne (no party announced), Alison Owen (L).

Sudbury South East (1 councillor): Debo Adams (G), Martin Bark (LD), Portia Berry-Kilby (C), David Finnigan (L), Adrian Osborne (no party announced). 

Box Vale (1 councillor): Bryn Hurren (LD), Theresa Munson (G), Rupert Perry (L), Fred Topham (C).

Brett Vale (1 councillor): Shaun Davis (C), Lindsay Francis (L), Benjamin Herbig (LD), Peter Lynn (G), John Ward (I). 

Capel St Mary (1 councillor): Andrew Iresdale Jaswal (G), John Whyman (LD). 

Copdock and Washbrook (1 councillor): David Busby (LD), Christopher Hudson (C), Karen Marshall (G). 

Ganges (1 councillor): Derek Davis (I), Shazz Kennedy (G), Shane Rolin (C), Simon Whitney (L), Paul Woodcraft (LD).

Hadleigh (1 councillor): David Butcher (LD), Dr Sian Dawson (C), Simon Dowling (G), Andy Kennedy (L), Gordon McLeod (I).

Lavenham (2 councillors): Nigel Adam (LD), Clive Arthey (no party announced), Paul Clover (C), Margaret Maybury (C), Shaun Moffat (G), Steve Nuttall (G), Andrew Worpole (L).

North West Cosford (1 councillor): Deborah Saw (G), Mark Whyman (LD).

South East Cosford (1 councillor): Leigh Jamieson (G), Rebecca Simpson (LD).

Stour (1 councillor): Tracy de Bernhardt Wood (L), James Gilchrist (LD), Mary McLaren (I), Carrie Wheeler (G).

Sudbury South West (1 councillor): Luke Cresswell (L), Jacqueline Rawlinson (C), Laura Smith (G), Andrew Welsh (LD).

Mid Suffolk:

Bacton (1 councillor): David Appleton (LD), John Davie-Thornhill (C), Andy Mellen (G).

Blakenham (1 councillor): Adrienne Marriott (LD), Steven Wells (C).

Chilton (Stowmarket) ward (2 councillors): Terence Carter (G), Vikash Mantha (C), David Napier (G).

Combs Ford (Stowmarket) ward (2 councillors): David Card (RUK), Kieren Lathangue-Clayton (C), Miles Row (G), Keith Scarff (LD). 

Elmswell and Woolpit (2 councillors): Jason Duggan (C), Sarah Mansel (G), Jen Overett (G).

Fressingfield (1 councillor): Kate Hadingham (C), Colin MacKinnon (G).

Haughley, Stowupland and Wetherden (2 councillors): Lesley Canham (C), Rachel Eburne (G), Janet Pearson (G). 

Mendlesham (1 councillor): Paul Allen (C), Andrew Stringer (G).

Onehouse (1 councillor): Rob Davies (L), John Matthissen (G), James Spencer (C).

Rattlesden (1 councillor): Stephen Gerrish (C), Nicky Willshere (LD). 

St Peters (Stowmarket) ward (1 councillor): Ollie Walters (G), Richard Stevens (C).

Stow Thorney (Stowmarket) ward (2 councillors): Will Howman (L), Colin Lay (G), James Patchett (G), Steve Runciman (C).

Thurston (2 councillors): David Bradbury (G), Philip Cockell (L), Austin Davies (G), Oliver Hurdwell (LD), Harry Richardson (C), Jean Staff (L). 

Battisford and Ringshall (1 councillor): David Payne (LD), Dan Pratt (G), David Whybrow (C). 

Bramford (1 councillor): Attila Borzak (LD), Emma Buckmaster (G), James Caston (C). 

Claydon and Barham (2 councillors): Nick Gowrley (C), Benjamin MacKinnon, (G), David Hamilton (G), David Poulson (LD), Martin Wheatley (LD), John Whitehead (C), Terence Wilson (L).

Debenham (1 councillor): Teresa Davis (G), Henry Dobell (C). 

Eye (1 councillor): Kev Crispin (C), Lucy Elkin (G). 

Gislingham (1 councillor): Anne-Marie Hogan (C), Rowland Warboys (G). 

Hoxne and Worlingworth (1 councillor): Steve Card (LD), Matthew Hicks (C), Charlie Meyer (G), Stephen Nixon (L). 

Needham Market (2 councillors): Terry Lawrence (LD), Kay Oakes (C), Ross Piper (G), Sylvie Watson (LD).

Palgrave (1 councillor): Evan Heasley (RUK), Tim Passmore (C), Tim Weller (G). 

Rickinghall (1 councillor): Bob Caley (L), Gilly Morgan (C).

Stonham (1 councillor): Nicholas Hardingham (G), Suzie Morley (C).

Stradbroke and Laxfield (1 councillor): James Fawcett (LD), Anders Linder (C), Paul Theaker (L), Gemma Whitehouse (G).

Walsham-le-willows (1 councillor): Philippa Wilding (C), Richard Winch (G). 


C - Conservative

L - Labour

LD - Liberal Democrats

G - Green Party

RUK - Reform UK 

I - Independent