Nearly a thousand visitors attended a special Earth Day event in a Suffolk market town, which celebrated local producers.

Globally, more than one billion people were involved in events to demonstrate support for environmental protection on Saturday, while in Woodbridge a series of events were held in Whisstocks Place.

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Hosted by environmental group Transition Woodbridge, Woodbridge Town Council and Woodbridge Ambient Music Festival, there was live music, story telling, children’s events and a local growers market, celebrating food and drink producers within 21 miles of the town.

Jane Healey, from Transition Woodbridge, said: “If you buy food produced locally you support the farmers, growers and processors which gives a boost to the local economy and jobs.”

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“The food will be fresher, healthier, seasonal and will have travelled a shorter distance, thus needing less packaging.”

Jan Pulsford, the music festival's producer, said nearly a thousand people attended the Earth Day event, which was opened last year by legendary music producer Brian Eno, who orginally comes from Melton.

READ MORE: Woodbridge news