Those behind a Suffolk shop specialising in goods made by the county's crafters and makers say they are proud of making a difference as they approach their first anniversary. 

Suffolksense, based in Wickham Market, will be celebrating its first birthday at its next mini-market on Saturday, giving shoppers the opportunity to participate in the raffle for products made by local producers.

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The business was started by friends Susie Cartmell and Becki Garrod from a Georgian building in the centre of Wickham Market, aiming to showcase the best of Suffolk produce and promote a sustainable lifestyle.

The shop sells hand-crafted products and the adjoining studio room is used by local creatives and artisans for regular exhibitions and mini-markets.

The duo has held regular events, workshops and exhibitions to highlight local talent and attract new customers, while they also hold twice-monthly mini-markets giving businesses the chance to set up stalls in their studio and outside in the forecourt.

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The shop began with 31 Suffolk suppliers and a year later, Suffolksense stocks products from more than 100 makers and crafters. 

Becki said: "There is such a diversity of talent in our beautiful county, we just don’t have the room to stock everything, so the mini-markets are a great way for us to work and support a greater range of small businesses”.

She added that the pair had got to know many Suffolk suppliers since starting the business and had formed friendships, while the shop had held informal networking events which enabled mutually supportive relationships to be built between suppliers and makers.

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Suzie added: “We love being part of our local community and hearing from our suppliers.

“To know that we’re making a difference to them in these challenging times is so encouraging.”