A fresh planning application to build a home in a village near Ipswich has been blocked by planners.

Proposals for the new home, which was set to be built on land off The Street in Chattisham, were submitted to Babergh District Council back in March.

It comes after a previous application for the house, close to the Old Rectory in the village, was blocked in 2021.

The fresh application, submitted by Embrace Architecture on behalf of the applicants, said:"The design and appearance of the proposed dwelling has been carefully conceived following careful analysis of the site and wider contextural views.

"The design has been developed to respond to its immediate context but also wider ‘landscape’ elements, in a respectful but informed way."

"The proposal seeks to create a modest, well designed home specifically tailored to the applicants' future needs, referencing familiar Suffolk ‘design elements’ particular the historical form and influence of the Old Rectory without creating a period pastiche."

However, Babergh planners have once again refused to grant permission for the site – arguing it "would result in a low level of less than substantial harm to the significance of the Old Rectory".