An application to play live and recorded music and sell alcohol at a new estate in Suffolk is set to be discussed in the coming week.

The licence application has been put forward by Branches Park Estate, located on Bridgelands Farm in Cowlinge near Newmarket.

The application involves the sale of alcohol on premises from 12pm to 11.30pm Monday to Saturday, and then 12pm to 7pm on Sunday.

They have then also applied to play live and recorded music and serve late night refreshments indoors from 11pm to 11.30pm.

No licence is required for live or recorded music if a premises is authorised to sell alcohol on the premises.

They have also sent over their opening times, with these being 12pm to midnight Monday to Saturday and 12pm to 7.30pm on Sunday's.

This application would allow the estate to trade as a country retreat for corporate events, bespoke events and weddings including receptions.

This application is set to be discussed on Tuesday by West Suffolk Council's licencing committee.