A man kicked a woman’s head four times after telling her: “I told you I would smash you up,” it has been alleged.

Thirty-seven-year-old Keyur Patel was sharing a house in Newmarket Road, Bury St Edmunds with the alleged victim and four other residents when he allegedly attacked her in the early hours of December 13, 2020, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Tommy Dominguez, prosecuting, said the alleged victim had gone into the kitchen to get a sewing kit while her housemates were having a party.

Patel had come into the kitchen and after shutting the door he had allegedly said: “I told you I would smash you up” before kicking her head four times.

As a result of the force of the alleged kicks, the woman hit her head on a radiator in the kitchen and suffered bruises and swelling to her face.

She went to West Suffolk Hospital for treatment and when Patel was arrested he claimed the alleged victim was having a mental health episode in the kitchen and had caused injuries to herself by banging her head against the wall.

Patel, of South Street, Elgin, Scotland, has denied assaulting the woman causing her actual bodily harm.

The trial continues.