One of Suffolk's most historic villages has been named the most stylish place to live in the UK.

According to poll Lavenham has been named as the most stylish place to live in the country. 

The village topped a list of the 20 most stylish places by online store Furniturebox.

READ MORE: Lavenham named among most picturesque villages in the UK

Lavenham has been used as a location for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and the popular BBC1 show Lovejoy.

A Furniturebox spokesperson said: “Lavenham in Suffolk is the most stylish place to live in the UK.

"Lavenham is loved for its quirky architecture and famous crooked house

“All 20 places on the list would have been worthy winners and show why the UK is such a stylish country, loved by artists, film-makers and tourists from all over the world.

“What is interesting is how many of the most stylish locations were not the most affluent places in their locality.

“Good style can be achieved whatever your budget and what marks out the UK’s most stylish places is how they all have a timeless quality achieved over generations by the stylish people living there."