A drive-thru at a new Five Guys restaurant off the A11 in west Suffolk has been given the green light.

The American fast food chain is set to open soon in the former Pancake and Waffle Shack at Barton Mills, near Mildenhall, and West Suffolk Council granted approval for the drive-through alterations last week.

The plans include a single-storey extension at the back of the building to allow for a collection window to be built, as well as the creation of drive-through lanes, changes to the car park and landscaping.

The proposals include six bicycle spaces and 19 car parking spaces, three of which will be disabled.

Two neighbours to the south western boundary of the site raised concerns on the impact of the restaurant, but a West Suffolk Council planning officer said the houses are unlikely to be disturbed by the drive-through due to vegetation and a river between the sites. 

The officer said in a statement: "Given the location, the existing levels of background noise and the fact that the building was historically a restaurant it is not considered that there will be any adverse impact on the level of amenity currently enjoyed, albeit a condition is required to limit the hours in order to ensure such."