Two dozen homes could be built in a Suffolk village if newly-submitted plans are given council approval.

Outline proposals put to Babergh District Council would see 24 homes built on land east of Capel Road in Bentley, on the Shotley peninsula south of Ipswich, at the site of a former small-scale fruit farm. 

In plans, published on the Babergh planning portal on Wednesday, eight of the homes would be affordable and public areas would be included, following the removal of exisiting site structures including the remains of poly tunnels to the south. 

The proposed site plan includes parking, spaces for bikes and electric vehicle charging, refuse storage and two green spaces.

The development would be accessed via Station Road, with a new route constructed taking drivers through the site. 

Larger properties would be built to the frontage of Station Road to allow for the transition with the rest of the village. 

The site is currently empty and is laid with grass with some hedgerows surrounding it.