A warning has been issued after a spate of fuel card thefts across Suffolk. 

The incidents have seen cards stolen from lorries and large amounts of diesel stolen. 

One incident saw cards stolen from a lorry used 36 times in order to obtain £6,000 worth of fuel.

Cases have been reported across Suffolk and Norfolk. 

It is believed the crimes are being carried by a single gang targeting vehicles. 

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PC Andy Barkway said: “We are investigating several cases where large amounts of fuel have been purchased fraudulently at 24-hour filling stations across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and Lincolnshire.

“The purchases are made over a matter of hours, at night, and before the owners have realised.

“Our advice is not to leave fuel cards in vehicles and to consider leaving a note in the window advising would-be thieves there are none left in the vehicle.

“Owners could also consider keeping their fuel cards on the key fob in a holder."