St Elizabeth Hospice has announced the cancellation of Suffolk Dog Day 2023 due to the hot weather predicted for this week.

Due to take place on Sunday September 10 at Helmingham Hall, the charity has cancelled this years event following guidance from event partners at the RSCPA and Nightingale Vets.

East Anglian Daily Times: Around 6000 people attended the event last yearAround 6000 people attended the event last year (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

Read More: Pooches and people gather for Suffolk Dog Day 2022

James Fox-Golding, Events and Challenges Managerat the hospice, said: "We are sorry that we have had to take the difficult decision to cancel this year's Suffolk Dog Day".

"The safety of dogs and visitors at the event is our highest priority".

East Anglian Daily Times: There are many competitions for your dog to enterThere are many competitions for your dog to enter (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

RSPCA Suffolk Central Branch Manager Gemma Walpole said:" Although we undestand this will be disappointing news, by cancelling the Suffolk Dog Day, St Elizabrth Hospice will be helping dogs stay safe and cool in the September heatwave".

The charity are hoping to return next year for Suffolk Dog Day 2024.