A consultation on possible solutions to campervans parking on a Suffolk seafront road received more than 100 replies.

The Felixstowe branch of the Labour Party has proposed reallocating parking spaces along Undercliff Road East in Felixstowe by marking out bays according to car size.

The party held the consultation using both the party's and residents' Facebook pages, as well as by email.

READ MORE: Parking bays plan to deal with Felixstowe camper vans

As the EADT reported in August, concerns have been raised about camper vans and motorhomes parking along the road causing congestion, with motorists taking advantage of the absence of restrictions to sleep overnight and breakfast on the prom.

Other complaints included a lack of space for pedestrians to get through between vehicles and people putting tables and chairs on the promenade.

The Labour group aims to provide disabled spaces and bays suitable for larger vehicles as part of its plans, but would not apply parking charges or further restrictions along the road.

READ MORE: Three options to deal with Felixstowe seafront camper vans

Felixstowe town councillor Mike Deacon, who represents Labour, said: "They felt that this 'light touch' approach would continue to welcome visitors and assist residents.

"They were very pleased to receive over 100 replies by e-mail and through Facebook comments. The group would like to thank all of those who responded."