A new shop set to open in a Suffolk town will have its premises licence discussed, including the proposed opening hours and alcohol sales - going on as late as midnight every day.

Halesworth Local, a new shop that is set to open in an empty and vacant spot on Market Place in the town has applied for its premises licence.

East Suffolk Council will discuss the licence on October 4.

The proposed opening hours are from 6am to midnight every day of the week, with the proposed sale of alcohol being the same hours.

They have also applied for late-night refreshments indoors from 11pm to midnight every day.

The proposal states the shop will be a "new, modern and professional general convenience store", selling a wide range of goods including newspapers, magazines, groceries, drinks, cigarettes and confectionery.

The report also states how they will prevent crime and disorder at the premises.

A CCTV camera system providing good quality images shall be used according to the proposal, with the cameras covering inside the shop and the area immediately outside.

A staff training scheme will also be used for staff authorised to sell alcohol, with refresher training every 12 months.

Spirits will be kept behind the counter, and staff will be "vigilant" and monitor the area immediately outside the shop to check that "youths are not causing annoyance by congregating".

They will have an incident book kept at the premises, with all incidents of crime and disorder logged.

A Challenge 25 scheme will also be adopted.

Twelve representations against the application have been received, with concerns raised including that it is a "quiet residential area that already has issues in surrounding public areas with drinking and anti-social behaviour".